Your donations are vital to helping us inform parents, teachers, and school administrators about health concerns related to wireless technology in schools.
Your donations help support:
Legal services related to the responsibilities of school administrators
Engineering consulting services to assist IT managers reduce exposures
Development and printing of ancillary materials for school officials
Printing and mailing of legal letters
Maintaining and promoting the TSS website and social media channels
Staff time to administer the TSS program
The TechSafe Schools program is a project of Grassroots Environmental Education, an award-wining, science-based non-profit organization chartered in New York State. As a recognized 501 (c) (3) charity, donations to Grassroots are deductible to the full extent of the law. Your contributions through this website will be earmarked for use only on the TechSafe Schools program.
If you prefer to pay by mail, please make your check payable to “Grassroots Environmental Education” and mail to:
Grassroots Environmental Education
184 Main Street
Port Washington, NY 11050
For foundation inquiries, please email daw@grassrootsinfo.org.